Sunday, March 21, 2010

Lord help, the pig's GONE...

I go into the barn this morning to take new piglet some scrambled eggs (I read raw eggs caused some sort of problem in pigs), look into her stall and she was GONE. I blinked real hard and she was STILL gone. I start looking for the hole she dug out of and there's NO hole. So I blink some more, b/c while I may not know much about pigs, I know they don't just disappear. ???

Oh S***, I see nothing left but her tail which is only a very small stub really. She didn't come with a tail. Aren't pigs supposed to have a tail? Anyway, I start looking for the way a predator got in and ate my pig. As I get closer, I realize that she's whole, but is covered with hay - and I mean masterfully covered with hay. I just put enough hay in there to make her a small bed, but non-the-less she is almost completely covered.

Well great, she's whole, but she's obviously dead b/c there's NO movement at ALL. My first thought is, "oh no, I killed her with the whole de-lousing fiasco". I took my foot and shook her butt. She JUMPED straight into the air a couple of feet. Scared me to death, so I screamed and then she screamed in return.
:o :o :o

I guess she was so sound asleep from the stress of yesterday that she just didn't hear all the noise.

Penelope is fine, rested, bug-free and she very much enjoyed her scrambled eggs. I however, am traumatized again and am going back to bed.

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