Saturday, March 6, 2010

Lol, Rhonda....

My girlfriend is a real estate agent and a very good one at that. She always tries her best to build a good working relationship with all her clients.

Throughout her many emails over the years, Rhonda would talk to clients about their struggles, hardships, and various stresses. No matter what the subject or how serious it was, Rhonda always signed off, "lol, Rhonda". If she talked to someone about a death in the family, she still signed off, "lol, Rhonda".

Not long ago, I wrote "lol" in front of something I sent to Rhonda and I could tell that she was confused. She asked me why I added the "lol". "Because I thought it was funny" I said. She finally asked me what exactly 'lol' meant. I told her it meant 'laughing out loud". She quickly interjected, "and it can mean 'lots of love' too". "No", I said, "it doesn't mean anything of the sort".

Now I can smell denial a mile away. I told her again that it did not refer to 'lots of love' in any way. Again she argued with me.

She eventually admitted that she had been signing all her emails, 'lol, Rhonda', thinking it meant 'lots of love' and had been doing so for years.

How wonderfully appropriate that the funniest person I know had inadvertently signed all her emails, "lol, Rhonda"!

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