Sunday, March 28, 2010

FEMA camps.....

I have an older brother who is a history/money buff. There is nothing he likes better then to study the history of money. Over twenty five years ago, he wrote his master's thesis on the very things that are occuring today in our economy. Basically, the thesis told of what was to come if the U.S. didn't go back to the 'Gold standard'.

He use to rage on about something called the "Federal Reserve" and endlessly rant about the federal government taking over our lives. Then he'd start on the thieves and hoodlums who would run rampant once our currency collapsed and our society fell apart. This would take him back to his original rant about the Federal Reserve.

More times that not, brother would go on to describe in great detail what happens when the government gets too powerful and a nation's economy falls. "They'll start throwing the citizenry into containment camps", he'd fume.

As a family, we would collectively roll our eyes and proclaim, "he's so smart, it's a shame he's so crazy".

Well, the government has pretty much taken over and it's obvious that they have just gotten started. The Federal Reserve is doing everything in their considerable power to make my meager savings worthless, and I did witness what all happens when the government tells folks to get to a central gathering place during a disaster (Katrina). Just the thought of that many over-flowing toilets, like there was at the Saint's Stadium, would make me choose to swim with the gators.

Anyway - I don't know if FEMA camps are in the near future for this country, but I do know one thing. I ain't goin. They can call it a 'Pig Parlor' and offer free spa treatments for me AND my pig, but I'm not going'.

I guess this is a prime example of "eating crow". I rant and rage all the day long about what's happening right now in this country and folks call me crazy. However I must say, those who think FEMA camps aren't possible in this country, are fewer and farther between.

1 comment:

  1. Did my brother know your brother? Are they twins lost at birth? They must be. They have to be. They've got to be!

    Mine just bought a little 5 acre place (for almost nothing) not far from you so they can get out of that largish city west of you if anything happens.

    He ranted and raved about all that stuff. My dad thought he was such a "doomsdayer" and all that. Funny...I don't think he is all that crazy anymore! A genius maybe. Prophetic maybe. But not crazy!

