Tuesday, May 11, 2010

GOD and Edward Jones

Between the tornado, my three new additions (Penelope, Gabby and Daisy) and the very limited capacity of my brain these days, I have been feeling VERY overwhelmed. When the riots in Greece started and the Dow dropped 1000 pts in two minutes, my brother called to remind me that gold/silver weren’t getting any cheaper is this environment and were both probably getting ready to skyrocket. And hang on cow lovers b/c this same theory would indicate a rise in all commodities. And, it’s about time milk and egg prices got a boost!

Anyway, my brother who has become quite the coin expert over the years, has tried his best to educate me about coins, currency, and the economy in general. Which puts us right back to the ‘limited brain capacity’ problem. Well, I really wanted to buy some gold/silver coins, but just didn’t feel comfortable buying from a dealer at a coin show (I didn’t want to order them from one of the brokers for several reasons). I don’t ‘speak the language’, plus, I can hardly add 2 and 2 these days. Well, my brother was trying to explain 2 plus 2, and I was insisting, “I don’t understand”. Lol, we were both getting frustrated and what limited brain capacity I had that afternoon, just shut down completely.

I have to work at letting God take control, which is nuts considering NO ONE in their right mind would want me leading their parade, including me. So I just prayed that whatever God wanted me to buy, that he would lead me to it, whether it was a tractor, coin or something else altogether. I also prayed that he would give my ‘limited capacity’ issue a blessing so that I would clearly understand what he wanted me to do.

The very next day an Edward Jones broker comes to the door. Well, I think, “finally, the insurance adjuster is here” and I swing open the door and nearly pounce on him. Now, I need to make an admission here that is very germane to this story and God’s part in it. I seldom get anyone door to door around here and the few times I have, I have usually shown my annoyance at being invaded. I have always felt that a stranger, coming to my door to sell me something is arrogantly rude. Let me say here that after my brother explained (yes, someone actually had to explain this to me) that there was a huge difference between coming to your door to sell you something vs. someone who sincerely wants to save your soul. So now, while I may politely explain that I am not interested right now in learning about someone else’s faith, I always thank them for caring enough about my soul to risk my rudeness.

Anyway, an Edward Jones broker certainly did not qualify as someone “sincerely wanting to save my soul” so when I discovered who he was, I was............very nice. Shocked my self! In the middle of this literal mess right now that is my life/property, I took the time to talk to him about my thoughts on investing in ANY part of ANY stock market right now and we started having a really enjoyable conversation.

At the end of our conversation, he told me to give him my name and number because he happened to know someone wanting to sell some gold/silver coins. I GAVE HIM MY INFORMATION. I always refuse to give so much as my shoe size anymore!

Well, sure enough I get a call the next day from this person. I called my brother who once again attempted (unsuccessfully I might add)) to explain how to buy coins. When I hung up the phone, frustrated and non-the-wiser, I prayed that if it was safe for me to meet this man and buy some coins, that God would just let me know in a way that could get through the ‘limited capacity’ problem. I think most people would be leery of meeting a stranger with cash in hand.

It was Mother’s Day and brother was playing golf (plus, I think brother was hiding from me at this point) so I was ‘on my own’. Which is a phrase I need to cut from my language as this story is the perfect example of how we are never alone. This stranger with the coins, referred to me by another stranger, told me he could meet me at 4:00 and he’d have the coins. I was to be at my mom’s house at four so I figured God was telling me, “not today”. The man immediately said, “would an hour work better?”

So, I grabbed some cash and headed out the door. I met this very nice man with his equally nice wife at a restaurant that was halfway for both of us, I discovered that they had JERSEY COWS before we ever even sat down. I knew immediately that God had just hooked me up with two new friends and these days, my ‘cow friends’ are my favorites!

I gave the man my money and started looking at my coins. My brother will be horrified at my ignorance here, but I actually had to print off a picture of these very common U.S. coins because I had NO CLUE what they even looked like. As I was admiring the coins, this man pointed out to me that I had paid him a significant amount of money over what I owed him for the coins and handed me back my cash. Keep in mind that I was insistent that the money had been carefully counted by me and that there was no mistake.

Now who would have thought that I would be nice to a ‘door to door’ salesman of sorts who was trying to get me into invest in a stock market that I feel could crash any day now along with our currency and entire economy. How ironic that this salesman who is in the business of selling stocks, would then lead me to a man who sells coins, AND that this couple have jersey cows!

My lesson seems to be to keep an open mind and heart because you never know what that person at the door might really be selling, even if they don’t know it themselves!